How To Prepare Your Garden For Spring

With February nearly over, spring is just around the corner, and your garden is likely begging for some attention. In the UK, many of us are only green-fingered when the weather’s right for it, with ‘39% of adults saying the lack of warm weather stops them from gardening in the winter months’. However, in a […]
6 Garden Design Mistakes To Avoid

Garden design has the power to transform any garden into a beautiful and tranquil haven. In the UK, ‘an estimated 27 million people enjoy gardening as a hobby’, emphasising just how many people are getting stuck into making the most of their outdoor space. However, in their haste to improve their garden, many people often […]
How To Choose A Good Christmas Tree This Holiday Season

There’s nothing quite like the scent and charm of a real Christmas tree to bring the festive spirit into your home. Whether you’re decorating your living room or creating a stunning centrepiece for your garden, choosing the perfect tree and keeping it fresh is key to a magical holiday experience. If you’re wondering how to […]
2025 APL Awards Finalist

We, at Raine Garden Design are absolutely thrilled to be finalists for the 2025 APL awards with not one, but three stunning garden designs in the running! Each is unique, with its own character and charm, yet all reflect the same level of thoughtfulness and creativity Raine Garden Design is known for. We look forward to the award results and the opportunity to connect with many other talented designers.
Planning Your Garden for Next Year: The Importance of Planting Bulbs in Autumn

Get Ahead: Why Planting Bulbs This Autumn is Key for a Blooming Garden Next Spring As summer fades and autumn sets in, it’s time to think ahead and plan for next year’s garden. Planting bulbs now will give you a head start, ensuring a vibrant display of flowers that will bloom right on schedule next […]
How To Plan A Spring Bulb Garden: Your 6 Step Guide

Updated on 06/03/2025 As we near the end of the winter months, nothing signals the arrival of spring quite like a garden bursting with colorful tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths. But achieving a breathtaking display doesn’t happen overnight, oh no, it requires some thoughtful planning and a bit of know-how. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or […]
The 5 Best Bulbs To Plant In Autumn

Updated on 12/03/2025 As the days grow shorter following a long warm summer, autumn is the perfect time to prepare your garden for vibrant spring blooms. Planting bulbs in the autumn rewards hard-working gardeners with a burst of colour as winter fades away, and also sets the stage for a thriving garden the following year. […]
How To Have A Year Round Garden

Updated on 13/10/24 There’s something quintessentially British about making the most of whatever the weather brings. Our UK climate is generally cloudy and experiences precipitation all year round, though we also experience heatwaves which reach temperatures above 30°C. Thanks to our unpredictable seasons, we can experience sun, wind, and rain, throughout the year, though sometimes […]
What Is Edible Landscape Design?

Edible landscaping involves filling a green space with edible, food-producing plants, instead of just flowers or non-edible ground cover. You can adopt edible landscaping practices when designing your garden, which raises the question: what is edible landscape design? In short, edible landscape design is the process of designing a garden so it supports edible landscaping […]
5 Eco Friendly Garden Design Ideas

According to the UK’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, scientists estimate that the UK has lost half its biodiversity since the Industrial Revolution. Lower biodiversity affects our water supply and makes our food supply more susceptible to disease and pests. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to address this issue. Eco friendly garden design […]