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Preparing For Autumn: The Best Bulbs To Plant In Autumn

As the days grow shorter following a long warm summer, autumn is the perfect time to prepare your garden for vibrant spring blooms. Planting bulbs in the autumn rewards hard-working gardeners with a burst of colour as winter fades away, and also sets the stage for a thriving garden the following year. So, if you’re […]

How To Have A Year Round Garden

There’s something quintessentially British about making the most of whatever the weather brings. Our UK climate is generally cloudy and experiences precipitation all year round, though we also experience heatwaves which reach temperatures above 30°C. Thanks to our unpredictable seasons, we can experience sun, wind, and rain, throughout the year, though sometimes all in a […]

Home & Garden Insider

We were delighted to be invited to contribute for the What Are Strategies to Create Privacy in Open Landscape Areas? article for Home & Garden Insider. Read the full feature here. I have also shared my insights and experience in ‘Buying a Garden‘, ‘Gardening Guru‘ and ‘Cuttings by Alan Titchmarsh‘.

What Is Edible Landscape Design?

Edible landscaping involves filling a green space with edible, food-producing plants, instead of just flowers or non-edible ground cover.  You can adopt edible landscaping practices when designing your garden, which raises the question: what is edible landscape design? In short, edible landscape design is the process of designing a garden so it supports edible landscaping […]

5 Eco Friendly Garden Design Ideas

According to the UK’s Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, scientists estimate that the UK has lost half its biodiversity since the Industrial Revolution. Lower biodiversity affects our water supply and makes our food supply more susceptible to disease and pests. Fortunately, there are steps we can take to address this issue.  Eco friendly garden design […]

Garden Design Tips For Beginners

A modern outdoor furniture set as part of a luxury garden design.

Redesigning a garden is an exciting prospect, but it can also feel overwhelming if you’re not sure where to start. If you’re considering redesigning your garden, you might not yet know how much planning goes into the design process. You likely have a million questions, but fret not, as our guide is here to give […]

5 Low-Maintenance Ideas For Large Gardens

A low-maintenance garden design.

In this modern age, the majority of us live busy lives and our gardens can fall by the wayside. Although ‘87% of UK households have access to a garden’, not everyone has the time they’d like to spend tending to their gardens. Whether you’re a beginner or simply don’t have the time to garden, you […]

6 Winter Garden Design Ideas

While the colder months may tempt us to retreat indoors, your garden holds the potential for an enchanting and cosy landscape. When you consider that ‘only 2% of UK adults will garden in the winter (whereas 30% will garden in spring)’, it goes to show that many neglect their gardens during the colder months.  With […]

How To Choose A Garden Designer 

Outdoor planting.

Updated: 08/05/24 Trusting a designer with your garden can be a stressful process. With so many elements to choose from, it’s challenging enough to decide what kind of garden design you want, let alone the person who’s going to implement the changes. So, how do you choose a professional garden designer? There are a few […]